We have lived in Historic Irvington for over 20 years. It has been a wonderful place to build our lives, raise our sons, and be a part of a community. Irvington feels like a small town, even though it was long ago absorbed by the big city. We have everything we need here within walking distance: an Indy Public Library branch, the beautiful Ellenberger Park, and an active business district that includes restaurants, a brew pub, a book store, coffee shops, and a small grocer featuring local foods.
When the Irvington Streetscape project finished phase one several years ago, we volunteered to maintain one of the beds. It was primarily the boys’ job, as they often walked by it. They picked up trash and pulled weeds. The poor plants took a lot of abuse, from being run over by a car to the city plows piling snow on them. But we loved seeing the new green spaces added to Irvington and wanted to do what we could to contribute.

We were excited to receive an invitation to bid on maintaining the Irvington Streetscape late this spring. We frequently walk around IRV and noticed it was looking a little neglected this year. It is an honor to maintain the streetscape and we have been hard at work making Irvington even more beautiful. We are proud of our neighborhood and we hope to continue to provide our services to the Irvington Development Organization.
This fall we are working with the IDO, the Irvington Garden Club, and Keep Indianapolis Beautiful to have a volunteer day. We hope to add some native plants to the bare spots in the streetscape, replace a dead tree, and do a general clean-up of ‘downtown’ Irvington. While we keep up with the trash, weeds, and mulch, this will really help make the streetscape look its best.
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