It is never an easy decision to agree to cut down a tree. We value trees for all they give us, from clean air, to shade (and lower electric bills), to habitat for the many insects, birds, and animals that rely on them. We prefer to plant trees, especially varieties native to Indiana, and nurture them to their full potential.
We have many beautiful native trees to choose from in Indiana. Redbuds and Magnolias are a favorite for their early spring blossoms. Evergreens, like Hemlock and Eastern Red Cedar, add year round color. Several varieties of maple and oak give us large shade trees to anchor landscapes. Fruit and nut trees, including Black Cherry and Hickory, provide beauty and food. We are fortunate to have such diversity in our ecosystem and Indiana landscapes benefit from that.
While Arbuckle & Sons provides full tree services throughout the greater Indianapolis area, our desire is to keep healthy trees standing whenever possible. We offer selective pruning and trimming to maintain trees and their health, and for safety as needed. Trees in landscapes benefit from pruning to keep them at their best. Pruning sucker branches and crossed or crowded branches gives trees a healthier growth pattern and opens up the tree so more light reaches lower branches. Removing low hanging limbs or limbs that interfere with pedestrian areas, structures, or power lines can often save a tree from being cut down later. Cutting out dead branches, damaged limbs, and insect infestations prevents further damage. We do what we can to keep trees healthy, allowing their natural beauty and shape to guide us.
Unfortunately, sometimes trees cannot be saved.
With the onslaught of the emerald ash borer, we have sadly had many customers requesting removal of dead or dying ash trees. We have five varieties of ash trees in the state. The ash borer has spread to all Indiana counties and experts predict we could lose 95% of our ash trees. The trees range from young trees to large, old ash, like this one.

The dead trees affected by the ash borer become hazardous. Limbs fall and in heavy storms, whole trees come down, creating dangerous situations when they are near homes, power lines, sidewalks, or streets. In these situations, the trees have to be cut down.
You can learn more about the emerald ash borer on the Indiana DNR site and how to help Save our Ash Trees on the Indiana Parks Alliance page. If you want to see a complete list of trees native to Indiana, check out the Indiana Wildlife Federation’s list of Native Plants of Indiana.
If you want advice on your trees or want to add a tree to your landscape, contact us.
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